fair and sustainable trade

I believe that international trade should be a force for good in the world. It has the potential to lift people out of poverty, create jobs, and drive sustainable development. But too often, it comes at a high cost to people and the planet.

That's why I'm committed to ensuring that all EU trade agreements and policies:

Protect human rights: Trade should never come at the expense of fundamental rights. I work to ensure that agreements include strong provisions on labour rights and social justice. This includes fighting against child labor, forced labor, and discrimination, as well as upholding the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. 

Promote sustainable development: We need trade policies that support the transition to a green economy. This means promoting fair trade practices, supporting small producers, and ensuring that environmental standards are upheld in the countries that produce the goods we consume. 

Prioritize transparency and accountability: Trade negotiations should be open and democratic, with meaningful participation from civil society and affected communities. 
